Groundswell 2022
We went, we saw, we conquered!!
Agri Epi Open day 2022
We have been an Agri Epi Satellite farm for many years, this year it is our turn to host one of their open days for farmers to come and see how the programme is developing on farm. The open day is Thursday 19th May.
Farm Tour 2021
We were joined by over 80 guests at our Open day. We took a trailer ride round the farm which included our Mzuri and Claydon strip till trials, and wider conversation about living mulches and Anerobic Digestate amongst other things. We also stopped at the recorded ewe lambs - the pride and joy of the flock for plenty of discussion around the practicalities of integrating sheep and arable, plus sustainable farming methods, cover crops and how we begun farming.
We rounded things off in the yard with an opportunity to see the Mzuri up close and the Garford InterRow Hoe over a lamb roast and a few beers.
Groundswell 2021
Following on from our success at Groundswell 2019, we exhibited again on our own stand this year and supplied the mutton for the very popular 'Asado' food stand.
Jo did a great job first thing on the Wednesday morning, livening up the panel for the 'Livestock in Arable' discussion with lots of attendees joining us on our stand to discuss matters further after the session.
We talked to many previous customers, hopefully some future ones and met up with lots of old friends. It was a fantastic event to get back into the swing of face to face conversations!!